Channel: Whirlwind Action
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: mmafemale kung fumartial arts tv showmartial artskung fu girlarcade gamesfighting video gamesstreets of rage tv showep 1karate girlkaratefemale karatestreets of ragefighting gamesstreet fighterkickboxingmuay thaibeat em up gamesfinal fightmartial arts seriestaekwondo vs muay thaifemale mmawoman vs manfan filmversusdouble dragontaekwondofemale vs malekung fuepisode 1mma girlvshomage
Description: Slug Street Scrappers is a funny martial arts TV show inspired by the fighting video game genre of the early nineties (e.g. Streets of Rage, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Double Dragon), as well as Japanese Anime. The series employs an over-arching storyline and showcases unique martial arts styles from around the world, including Kickboxing, Karate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kung Fu and more. Starring Kwonkicker, Jessie Graff, Katelyn Brooke, Shaun Charney, Narayana Cabral. Chapter 1 - Opening: 00:00 Chapter 2 - Intro: 01:35 Chapter 3 - Date With Destiny: 03:57 Chapter 4 - The First Challenger (Action Scene): 06:24 Chapter 5 - We Run Slug Street: 07:58 Chapter 6 - You can Have it! (Action Scene): 08:53 Chapter 7 - Heckin' Shelter: 11:02 Chapter 8 - Big Bad Boss (Action Scene): 12:37 Chapter 9 - Fanboy's Promise: 15:15 Chapter 10 - Outro: 18:04